Market Style CSA

Our Market Style Share provides you with 16 weeks of the absolutely freshest produce, starting in mid-June. 

The Market Style gives you total control over how much, what kind, and how frequently you receive your share.

Members get a monthly balance to spend.  We email you “fresh sheets” on a weekly basis, detailing what’s currently available, in what quantities, and how much per unit.  You then order as little or as much as you’d like, as many times as you like.  You arrange a pickup time that fits your schedule, and we’ll have the freshest produce ready for you- on your time.

  • Going away for vacation one week?  No worries- put in a bigger order when you get home.
  • Run through a specific vegetable faster than you expected?  Order as often as you’d like.

The balance is the total cost of your share ($500 full share/$250 half share), divided by 16, multiplied by number of weeks in the month.

Example: $500 full share/16 weeks = $31.25  For the month of June, your monthly balance would be $63, as the first month of the CSA is only two weeks long.

In order to be able to meet the needs of all our CSA members, unused balances do not roll over to the next month.

The Market Style Share is a good fit for people who:

  • Want more control over the kinds of produce in their share
  • May not be home on a weekly basis over the summer, and can’t commit to a strict pickup date
  • Have picky eaters at home who like what they like

Ready to become a member?  Click the button to download the 2019 Membership Contract.

Have questions?  Please feel free to email us at